In financial and economic contexts, a commodity is a basic good or raw material that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type. Commodities are often traded on specialized markets and can be divided into two main categories:
- Definition:
- A commodity is a basic good or raw material that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type.
- Categories:
- Hard Commodities:
- Examples: Oil, gold, metals (e.g., copper, aluminum).
- Characteristics: Typically mined or extracted, used in industrial processes or as investment assets.
- Soft Commodities:
- Examples: Agricultural products (e.g., wheat, coffee, cotton), livestock (e.g., cattle, hogs).
- Characteristics: Grown or produced, subject to seasonal fluctuations and climate conditions.
- Hard Commodities:
- Trading:
- Traded on commodity exchanges (e.g., NYMEX, COMEX).
- Can be bought and sold through futures contracts, options, and ETFs.
- Pricing:
- Influenced by supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, economic data, and market speculation.
- Uses:
- Used in manufacturing, energy production, and as investment vehicles for diversification and hedging purposes.
Basic Package
Pricing plan
- Basic Service
- 3-4 calls in a week
- 20% To 30% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp
Gold Premium Package
Pricing plan
- Gold Premium Service
- 3 calls in a week
- 5 Secial Calls in a Month
- 10% To 15% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp
Basic Package
Pricing plan
- Basic Service
- 3-4 calls in a week
- 20% To 30% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp
Gold Premium Package
Pricing plan
- Gold Premium Service
- 3 calls in a week
- 5 Secial Calls in a Month
- 10% To 15% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp
Basic Package
Pricing plan
- Basic Service
- 3-4 calls in a week
- 20% To 30% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp
Gold Premium Package
Pricing plan
- Gold Premium Service
- 3 calls in a week
- 5 Secial Calls in a Month
- 10% To 15% Risk
- Service & Support Via SMS By Phone and Whatsapp